《探索者战役设定:水下冒险》(Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Aquatic Adventures)
  第56页——当你重新填满加压空气瓶(pressurized air tank)时,你必须为其原物料支付5 gp。
  第58页——For the purposes of the Favor of the Empress of Torrents feat, your caster level is equal to your character level.
  第62页——The aquadynamic armor special ability increases the price of the base armor by the listed amounts page these amounts do not reflect the total armor price.
  第63页——标准的蒸气超魔权杖(Steam Metamagic Rod)应该称作蒸气超魔权杖(Steam Metamagic Rod),而非浑浊超魔权杖(Murky Metamagic Rod)
  第63页——Traveler's Wetsuit价格为2,750 gp。

《探索者战役设定:正义编年史》(Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Chronicle of the Righteous)

   学派 咒法系(创造);等级 牧师 5,德鲁伊 5
   施法时间 1标准动作
   成分 语言,姿势,法器
   距离 长距(400尺+40尺/等级)
   目标 一个生物
   持续时间 1轮/等级(可消解)
   豁免检定 反射无效;法术抗力

《探索者战役设定:》(Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Concordance of Rivals)
  第8页——Wanderer’s Bane(Il’surrish给予的第二神恩)成功豁免时,目标会恍惚1轮,而非晕眩1轮。
  第9页——Insight into Disaster(Imot给予的第二神恩)给予先攻检定与反射检定的加值,类型为洞察加值。
  第12页——除非生物有意在一轮中多次穿越墙体,否则它们每轮只会受到一次来自Hands of Death(Mrtyu给予的第三神恩)的伤害。
  第13页——While benefiting from the obedience of Narakaas, you may choose to ignore any excess healing that would restore the points of damage inflicted by the obedience. In doing so, you also ignore any other benefits associated with excess healing, such as the temporary hit points granted by the spirit boost life oracle revelation. If the character ever has less damage than the damage they took from the flagellation as a result of being healed, the DR ends.
  第14页——Change the second boon ability granted by Narriseminek to the following: “2: Crownless Crown (Ex) You gain a halo of illusory protean symbols around your head. Once per day as a standard action, you can either cast mirage arcana as a spell-like ability or use the protean warpwave ability (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 213). The DC to resist your warpwave equals 10 + half your HD + your Charisma modifier.
  第16页——The obedience of Saloc grants you a number of temporary ranks in a skill equal to your level or 5, whichever is lower.
  第16页——Cosmic Appeal can be used once per creature per adventure that grants a Chronicle Sheet.
  第21页——Replace the text of the second boon ability granted by Ydajisk with the following: “2: Burning Tongue (Ex): Three times per day as a standard action, you can briefly transform your mouth into a serpentine maw with a tongue of roiling sonic energy. As part of this action, you make a ranged touch attack that targets a single creature within 30 feet. The attack deals 8d6 points of sonic damage, renders the target confused for 1d4 rounds, and leaves the target unable to communicate in any spoken or written language for a number of hours equal to your Wisdom modifier; a successful Will save negates these effects but not the damage (DC = 10 + half your HD + your Charisma modifier). A target unable to communicate intelligibly in this way has a 20% spell failure chance for spells with verbal components, and a 20% chance to incorrectly use a command word to activate a magic item.”

《探索者战役设定:构装体手册》(Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Construct Handbook)
  第13页——Replace the blood treatment ability’s description with the following: “A cruorchymist can give up some of this blood to restore his blood familiar. As a swift or immediate action, a cruorchymist can take a number of points of Constitution damage. His blood familiar heals 1d6 hit points for every 1 point of Constitution damage the cruorchymist inflicts upon himself in this way.”
  第14页——Replace the salvage armor ability’s description with the following: “Scrap from a construct grants the scrapper an enhancement bonus to his natural armor bonus to AC equal to one-quarter the construct’s Hit Dice (minimum +1). If the scrap is salvaged from a piece of armor, it instead grants an enhancement bonus to his natural armor bonus to AC equal to 1 + the armor’s enhancement bonus (if any). If the scrapper already has an enhancement bonus to his natural armor bonus from another source, he can choose to increase that bonus by 1 while both effects last (or by 2 if this ability would grant at least a +4 bonus to his natural armor bonus).”
  第19页——Machinebane oil bypasses a construct’s immunity to ability damage.

《探索者战役设定:》(Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Distant Realms)
  第12页——In the adaptive shifter archetype, unfettered wild shape replaces both wild shape and shifter's fury (see the Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Wilderness FAQ on paizo.com).
  第13页——Sever alignment is an advanced talent.
  第22页——In the realm wanderer archetype, deceptive subtlety replaces both track and wild empathy. The skill bonuses granted by this ability do not stack with the ones granted by favorite enemy. In the queen's bond ability, use the animal companion's HD to determine the benefits it gains from the fiendish template. Remove the last sentence in parentheses in this ability—a realm wander may chose to gain a non-fiendish animal companion, but doing so takes 48 hours instead of 24.
  第32页——In the Heavenly Bane feat, a "weapon imbued with the bane special quality" refers to a weapon enhanced by the bane class feature, not a magic weapon with the bane property.

《探索者战役设定:》(Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Distant Shores)
  第63页——除非玩家角色永久持有“心灵羁绊(Bonded Mind)”专长以及任何以它为先决条件的团队专长,否则不得从中获益;这是审判者的独行战术能力、骑士的战术专家能力与类似能力作用方式的例外。

《探索者战役设定:杜鲁玛,利润与预言》(Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Druma, Profit and Prophecy)
  第19页——If the Golem’s Conviction ability is used to attack a target, the player chooses the designated target to attack when they fail the Will save.

《探索者战役设定:格拉利昂的信仰》(Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Faiths of Golarion)
  第19页——The increases to luck bonuses granted by Fortunate Spells and Fortune’s Child do not stack with other effects that increase luck bonuses.
  第44页——Replace the first tenet of Magrim’s paladin code with the following: “The dead have earned their peace. I shall see them put to rest with respect and do my utmost to keep their graves and tombs honored. If I must disturb these places, I shall recover only what I need from the dead, doing my best to avoid damaging their remains.” Because Pathfinder Society scenarios often involve exploring tombs and even recovering important objects from them, this addition is intended to provide enough flexibility that a paladin of Magrim can participate in adventures.
  第47页——When using the game of chance or wager for Nivi Rhombodazzle’s obedience, chose some game that has a 50% chance of victory (such as flipping a coin or rolling an 11 or higher on a d20).
  第59页——When using the collective vision ability on more than one creature at once, the duration of the ability decreases to 1 round.

《探索者战役设定:第一世界,精类国度》(Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The First World, Realm of the Fey)

《探索者战役设定:》(Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Horror Realms)
  第7页——Tentacles from the tentacles arcanist exploit last for 1 minute per arcanist level. The arcanist can dismiss them before the duration expires.
  第9页——A mute musician can use a language dependent-effect so long as he has both hands free to use a writing utensil and writing surface. Such abilities have a maximum range of 30 feet, even if the range of the effect would normally be greater. The spells that a mute musician gains from insight for beyond must be spells of a level that he can cast.
  第14页——At 5th level, oracles with the lich curse add command undead to their list of 2nd-level spells known, rather than control undead.
  第16页——Replace the dark tapestry shaman spirit's spirit magic spell list with the following: entropic shield (1st), dust of twilightAPG (2nd), tongues (3rd), black tentacles (4th), feeblemind (5th), planar binding (6th), insanity (7th), reverse gravity (8th), interplanetary teleportUM (9th). A dark tapestry shaman may use her alien summons hex once per day, plus one additional time at 8th level,and one additional time at 15th level.
  第18页——An aberrant eidolon may take the tentacle mass evolution one additional time beyond the evolution it receives from its base form, for a total of two tentacle masses.

《探索者战役设定:内海战斗》(Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Combat)
  第45页——法痕流浪者(Spellscar Drifter)的挑战能力能让他在用火器对挑战目标进行攻击时造成额外的伤害。他的挑战能力让他无法用火器以外的武器造成额外伤害。

《探索者战役设定:内海信仰》(Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Faiths)
  第17页——Chromatic Scourge provides a sacred bonus instead of a profane bonus.
  第45页——You may use All Who Live Suffer Loss as a standard action 3 times per day.

《探索者战役设定:内海诸神》(Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Gods)
  第84页——卡莉丝翠的卫道者第一神恩应改为“神恩 3次/日,阵营武器(仅限混乱) 2次/日,或锋锐术 1次/日”。
  第84页——义洛里的卫道者第一神恩应改为“克敌机先 3次/日,虚假生命 2次/日,或加速术 1次/日”。
  第108页——You may perform the bury secrets form of the Norgorber's obedience even if you could locate a crowd. You do not need to pay for the poison you apply to the needle page you create it from materials on hand.
  第212页——The feat Glorious Heat grants a number of points of healing equal to the spell level, not half your caster level. For example, flame strike grants 5 points of healing, while spark grants 0.
  第215页——Change the text of the potion glutton feat to the following, "Benefit: You can drink potions, elixirs, or other potables (but not extracts) as a move action without provoking an attack of opportunity. Normal: Drinking potions is a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity."
  第256页——The Improved Unarmed Strike feat granted by the perfectionist shavtoosh does not allow its bearer to qualify for abilities that list that feat as a prerequisite.
  第259页——Replace the text of the ring of seven lovely colors with the following.
Ring of Seven Lovely Colors; Price 7,000 gp; Slot ring; CL 7th; Weight page —; Aura moderate abjuration and transmutation
This golden ring with seven brightly colored gems functions as a ring of protection +1. In addition, seven times per day, the wearer can use beast shape II to transform into a songbird for 7 minutes (use the statistics for a raven). The ring's magic shares Shelyn's preference for mercy and peace over violence. If its wearer willingly makes an attack while in songbird form, the polymorph effect ends immediately and the rings's songbird transformation ability deactivates for 1 week. If the wearer is forced to make an attack against her will (such as from the effects of confusion), the songbird form does not deactivate.
  第261页——深土靴(Boots of the Earth)每天可以启动一次。
  第286页——若你“在副手携带(carrying)盾牌或武器”,则“狂舞(Dervish Dance)”专长无法生效。法术并不算作是武器或盾牌。因此,魔战士可以并用法术战斗与“狂舞”专长。

《探索者战役设定:》(Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Intrigue)
  第30页——Change the sentence on the eighth line of the undermine authority ability that begins with "However" to the following, "If you succeed at the check, the target is subject to a mind-affecting compulsion that alters its attitude for a number of days equal to your inquisitor level."
  第46页——The following clarifications apply to the Tinkerer alchemist archetype. A tinkerer familiar with the mauler archetype does not gain bonus hit points. In Clockwork Bond, the familiar gains all of the listed abilities. It also gains the following abilities at the usual levels for a familiar: improved evasion, empathic link, speak with master, and spell resistance. All benefits from Clockwork Bond and Tinkering apply to the familiar after it upgrades from a clockwork spy to a clockwork familiar (with the exception of the Tinkering ability to increase damage to a slam attack, which a clockwork familiar does not have).
  第50页——Antidotes can only be purchased for poisons that have a listed price.
  第54页——Kyonin Bliss是一次性物品。
  第60页——法术Implant Urge的豁免检定一栏应改为“意志,通过则无效”。

《探索者战役设定:》(Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Magic)
  第33页——Replace the second-to-last sentence of the crypt breaker alchemist archetype with the following. "Against all other creatures, alkahest bombs deal 1d4 points of damage, plus 1d4 points of acid damage for every odd-numbered level."
  第43页——The familiars listed on pages 10 and 11 of the Reign of Winter Player's Guide are legal options for the winter witch archetype.

《探索者战役设定:》(Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Races)
  第195页——Obsessed with Success对日常工作检定无效。

《探索者战役设定:》(Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Temples)
  第22页——The neverspill goblet cannot preserve anything with a market value of 1,000 gp or more. This rule is intended to prevent limitless preservation of expensive elixirs that expire after opening and are intended to be used once.
  第33页——When the soul vault spell grants its target a saving throw against an effect that would not normally allow a saving throw, the DC is 10+ 1/2 the HD of the creature using the effect + that creature's Cha modifier.
  第42页——The soul candle does not wink out quickly enough to allow characters to act on the surprise round against a haunt.
  第43页——The preserve spell does not prevent magic items that expire after a specific amount of time from expiring.
  第52页——The bonuses on skill checks that the altar of the dawnflower grants last for 24 hours.
  第62页——Change betraying sting's saving throw line from "Saving Throw Will partial" to "Saving Throw none."
  第62页——Incessant buzzing requires spellcasters to succeed at a concentration check to cast spells in the area rather than a caster level check.

《探索者战役设定:》(Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea World Guide)
  第256页——Wielding the perfectionist shavatoosh does not count as possessing the Improved Unarmed Strike feat for the purposes of qualifying for abilities that list that feat as a prerequisite.
  第287页——The feat Harmonic spell only grants an extra round of bardic performance when you cast a spell of 1st level or higher.

《探索者战役设定:》(Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Occult Realms)
  第10页——A PC can only have the ability to contact one legendary spirit at a time and permanently loses the ability to contact a legendary spirit if he breaks that spirit's oath. A PC can regain that spirit's favor with an atonement spell priced as if restoring a cleric's spellcasting abilities.
  第17页——When casting shadow enchantment or greater shadow enchantment, a PC uses his own spell list to determine the level of the replicated spell. If the spell does not appear on his list, use the spell level

《探索者战役设定:地狱骑士之道》(Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Path of the Hellknight)
  第16页——If you possess the Focus of Mind ability, You can use your assiduous gaze for a number of rounds per day equal to 1/2 your hellknight signifer level or 3 rounds per day plus 1 additional round at 16th and 20th level—whichever is greater.
  第38页——The Gate Breaker feat allows you to deal additional bonus damage equal to your Strength modifier, even if you have already added your Strength modifier as a part of your damage roll.
  第39页——When using the Scrutinize Spell feat to gain a bonus on your Intimidate check to demoralize a target (in the last sentence of the feat), you may gain a bonus equal to your Charisma or Wisdom modifier even if you have already added that stat as a part of your Intimidate bonus.
  第61页——The second-to-last paragraph in the first column of the shackle spell should read "If you are 6th level or higher, you can make the restraints mithral, or you can summon Tiny or Large restraints."

《探索者战役设定:进阶之道》(Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Paths of Prestige)
  第29页——Replace the first sentence of the Hellknight signifer's Arcane Armor Expertise ability with the following. "At 2nd level, if a Hellknight signifer has the Arcane Armor Training feat, he gains Arcane Armor Mastery as a bonus feat."
  第36页——The text for the mammoth rider's colossus hunter ability should read as follows.
  "At 2nd level, a mammoth rider gains a +1 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against Large and Huge creatures. At 8th level, the mammoth rider gains a +2 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against Gargantuan and Colossal creatures."

《探索者战役设定:》(Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Qadira, Jewel of the East)
  第19页——Make the following adjustments to the solar sorcerer. Replace the bonus spell gained at 3rd level with faerie fire. When the cleansing flame ability would remove a condition that resulted from a failed saving throw, the condition removal is not automatic. The target may attempt another saving throw against the effect. If this saving throw succeeds, the effect is removed.
  第29页——A character with the lesser sun totem rage power applies the immunity to environmental effects from heat and severe heat and bonus on Fortitude saves against the effects of extreme heat even when she is not in rage.
  第33页——A sunsinger skald's pillar of light ability produces nonmagical light.
  第43页——Replace the order of the saddle cavalier's challenge with the following, taken from the last few sentences of the listed challenge ability: "The cavalier gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity while charging the target of her challenge. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 levels the cavalier has. If the cavalier already has the Ride-By Attack feat, this dodge bonus increases by 2."
  第60页——When using the genie-touched companion feat to take an istaheq, make the following adjustments. An istaheq companion's natural armor bonus is +2 higher than the bonus of a typical horse, not +10. An istaheq companion's steadfast ability grants a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting and fear effects rather than a +4 bonus.

《探索者战役设定:》(Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Rival Guide)
  第35页——Replace all references to Will saves in the text of the staggering fall spell with Fortitude saves.