



  奥术洞察(Arcane Insight)奥法英杰可以施展魔战士列表中的法术,将其等级视作魔战士等级。她使用魅力替代智力决定其法术学习,施法能力,法术DC,额外法术及其他任何影响施法的效果。



  法术打击(Spellstrike, Su)2级时,奥法英杰获得魔战士的法术打击(Spellstrike职业特性。



  神圣奥能(Divine Arcana, Ex)3级时,奥法英杰获得一个魔战士奥能(Magus Arcana)。她在6级与之后每3个等级获得一个额外的魔战士奥能。在决定满足魔战士奥能前置要求时,将奥法英杰的导魂者等级视作魔战士等级。


  法术唤回(Spell Recall , Su)5级时,奥法英杰可以唤回她施放过的法术。每天1次,以迅捷动作,她可以唤回任意1个当天准备且施放过的法术。用此能力唤回的法术必须比她所能施放的最高环位法术低至少1环。17级时,她可以无视环位要求,唤回任意法术。此能力在11级和17级各获得每天一次额外使用次数。除此之外,奥法英杰可以消耗自己祈神祷告能力的持续时间,以迅捷动作唤回法术。以此方法使用法术唤回时,她必须消耗等同于法术环级的持续分钟数。



Some omduras are chosen by their gods to lead their followers into combat, waging war against the enemies of the faith. These warriors are unable to cast spells, but they command exceptional combat prowess that allows them to excel on the battlefield.


  Divine Training, ExAn exemplar of war gains a bonus feat at 1st level and every 3 levels thereafter. These bonus feats must be selected from those listed as combat feats.
At 5th level and every 3 levels thereafter, an exemplar of war can learn a new bonus feat in place of a bonus feat she has already learned. In effect, the exemplar of war loses the old bonus feat in exchange for the new one. The old feat cannot be one that was used as a prerequisite for another feat, prestige class, or other ability. An exemplar of war can swap out only one feat at any given level and must choose whether or not to swap the feat at the time she gains a new bonus feat for the level.

This replaces spells.


  Chosen Warrior, ExAt 3rd level, an exemplar of war gains the Chosen One feat (see page 18) as a bonus feat. At 6th level and every 3 levels thereafter, the exemplar of war gains an additional bonus feat. These feats must be selected from the following list: Blessed by a God or Dragon, Chosen One's Might, or Chosen One's Resilience (see pages 18-19). At 9th level, the following feats are added to the list: Chosen One's Determination and Chosen One's Wrath (see page 19). An exemplar of war can ignore any level prerequisites for these bonus feats, but she must meet all other prerequisites. If the exemplar of war selects Blessed by a God or Dragon as a bonus feat, she can plea for assistance from her god once per day instead of once per week.

This replaces divine infusion.