奇物(Wondrous Items)

表格1-9:奇物(Wondrous Items)
次级次等奇物(Lesser Minor Item) 价格(Price)
位面缠带(Planar strap) 500 GP
变换披风+1(Protean cloak +1) 500 GP
异界答复透镜(Lens of otherworldly answers) 1,150 GP
荆棘炸弹(Briar bomb) 1,250GP
羽光罗盘(Featherlight compass) 1,500 GP
变换披风+2(Protean cloak +2) 2,000 GP
黄昏饰物(Crepuscular trinket) 2,500 GP
高级次等奇物(Greater Minor Item) 价格(Price)
乡土时计(Homebound timepiece) 4,000 GP
变换披风+3(Protean cloak +3) 4,500 GP
魂抄羽笔(Soul scribe quill) 4,500 GP
次级中等奇物(Lesser Medium Item) 价格(Price)
变换披风+4(Protean cloak +4) 8,000 GP
受膏者圣徽(Anointed holy symbol) 10,000 GP
兔王子面具(Mask of the rabbit prince) 12,000 GP
传送门发现手套(Portal-finding gloves) 12,500 GP
变换披风+5(Protean cloak +5) 12,500 GP
星仪(Astralabe) 16,000 GP
位面钥石(Planar keystone) 16,200 GP
高级中等奇物(Greater Medium Item) 价格(Price)
位面锚定之靴(Boots of planar grounding) 25,000 GP
过梁石(Lintel stone) 26,000 GP
次级高等奇物(Lesser Major Item) 价格(Price)
远行者面具(Mask of the far traveler) 38,000 GP