译者:傻豆(咦?! 译了什么?!)



环法术:Bleed, daze, detect magic, detect psychic significance*, grave words*, guidance, light, mage hand, mending, message, open/close, read magic, resistance, stabilize, telekinetic projectile*, virtue.

一环法术:Alarm, alter windsAPG, anticipate perilUM, burst of adrenaline*, burst of insight*, cause fear, charge object*, chill touch, comprehend languages, cure light wounds, deathwatch, decompose corpseUM, detect chaos/evil/good/law, detect undead, discern next of kinACG, doom, endure elements, expeditious retreat, feather fall, identify, inflict light wounds, mage armor, magic fang, mindlink*, obscuring mist, phantom bloodACG, protection from chaos/evil/good/law, psychic reading*, remove fear, remove sicknessUM, sanctify corpseUM, sanctuary, shield, summon monster I, telempathic projection*, touch of gracelessnessAPG, unseen servant, ventriloquism.

二环法术:Aid, animate dead (lesser) UM, augury, blur, calm spirit*, catatonia*, cure moderate wounds, death knell, detect thoughts, disfiguring touchUM, emotive block*, false life, gentle repose, ghost whip*, ghoul touch, inflict moderate wounds, inflict pain*, instigate psychic duel*, invisibility, levitate, life pactACG, locate object, misdirection, object reading*, phantom steed, phantom trap, pilfering handUC, protection from arrows, protective penumbraUM, purge spirit*, remove paralysis, resist energy, restoration (lesser), scare, see invisibility, spectral hand, spiritual weapon, status, stricken heartACG, summon monster II, surmount afflictionUM, touch of idiocy, twilight hazeACG.

三环法术:Analyze aura*, animate dead, aura sightACG, bestow curse, blindness/deafness, clairaudience/clairvoyance, cloak of windsAPG, condensed ether*, contagious zeal*, cure serious wounds, dispel magic, displacement, ectoplasmic snare*, ethereal fists*, fly, force punchUM, gaseous form, haste, helping hand, heroism, hostile levitationUC, howling agonyUM, inflict serious wounds, invisibility purge, locate object, magic circle against chaos/evil/good/law, magic fang (greater), mindlocked messengerACG, minor creation, nondetection, object possession (lesser)*, obscure object, pain strikeAPG, phantom driverUC, phantom steed, protection from energy, ray of exhaustion, remove blindness/deafness, remove curse, remove disease, riding possession*, sands of timeUM, sealed life*, seek thoughtsAPG, sessile spirit*, slow, speak with dead, spirit-bound blade*, summon monster III, tongues, twilight knifeAPG, undead anatomy IUM, unliving rageACG, vampiric touch, wind wall.

四环法术:Anti-incorporeal shellACG, aura alteration*, aura of doomUM, bestow curse, black tentacles, confusion, crushing despair, cure critical wounds, death ward, debilitating portentUC, detect scrying, dimension door, dimensional anchor, divination, enervation, entrap spirit*, erase impressions*, ethereal envelope*, etheric shards*, false life (greater) UM, fear, freedom of movement, imbue with spell ability, inflict critical wounds, invisibility (greater), locate creature, mind swap*, mindwipe*, mirror transportACG, neutralize poison, phantasmal killer, phantom chariotUC, phantom steed (communal)UC, possession*, remove curse, restoration, shadow conjuration, shadow stepUM, solid fog, speak with hauntACG, spell immunity, spiritual allyAPG, summon monster IV, telekinetic chargeUC, telekinetic maneuver*, terrible remorseUM, thoughtsense*.

五环法术:Break enchantment, breath of life, call spirit*, cloudkill, contact other plane, curse (major) UM, dismissal, disrupting weapon, dominate person, dream, ethereal envelopment*, false vision, feast on fearACG, feeblemind, fickle windsUM, foster hatred*, incorporeal chains*, inf lict pain (mass)*, mage’s faithful hound, mage’s private sanctum, mindfog, nightmare, object possession*, overland flight, pain strike (mass)APG, plane shift, phantasmal webAPG, planar adaptionAPG, prying eyes, raise dead, repair undead (mass)ACG, remote viewing*, scrying, secret chest, sending, shadow body*, shadow evocation, slay living, spell resistance, suffocationAPG, summon monster V, telekinesis, telepathic bond, teleport, undead anatomy IIUM, vampiric shadow
ACG, wall of ectoplasm*, wall of soundUM, waves of fatigue, withdraw affliction*.

六环法术:Analyze dweomer, banishment, banshee blastACG, circle of death, create undead, disintegrate, dispel magic (greater), ectoplasmic eruption*, enemy hammerAPG, eyebite, find the path, getawayAPG, harm, heal, heroism (greater), leashed shacklesUM, legend lore, mislead, object possession (greater)*, repulsion, sealed life (greater)*, shadow walk, summon monster VI, telepathy*, transformation, true seeing, undead anatomy IIIUM, undeath to death, unshakable zeal*, unwilling shieldAPG.