战斗 (Combat)







  简单的讲,凡是要扔骰子的伤害,只有武器自身的骰子翻倍 (长剑的1d8翻倍,巨剑的2d6翻倍,诸如此类)。



  我们自开脑洞声明将一件双手武器改成单手持有或是单手武器双手使用说一个自由动作,那么就假定你这么玩也是一个自由动作吧 (当然,你如果这样做的话会导致失去触及带来的威胁范围)。

  顺便,因为你用的是临时武器,这意味着你将丢失相关专长 (比如武器专攻) 和附魔等等好处,但是你也可以从影响临时武器的效果中受益。

Concealment and Precision Damage: Does concealment (the 20% kind, not total concealment) negate all kinds of precision damage? There is some confusion from the multiple places where precision damage appears.
Yes, in general concealment does negate all kinds of precision damage, unless you have a special ability that particularly says otherwise like the Shadow Strike feat or the Unchained rogue's sneak attack.

重击:“打了一个重击”(Scoring a critical hit)和“确认了一个重击”(onfirming a critical hit)有甚区别?





  如果一个法术并没有说明具体的伤害类别,那么DR对它无效;但是,如果一个法术的描述中指明了这个法术造成钝击、穿刺或挥砍伤害,那么在穿透DR时,它就会被视为具有相应伤害类别的物理攻击 (事实上实际的法术效果也相当有限,除非是造成会不会把泥怪分裂成两个这样的情况)。

  范例:‘冰风暴’法术造成3d6钝击和2d6寒冷伤害,如果你用冰风暴A一群有 [DR 5/挥砍] 的丧尸,那么它们受到的钝击伤害减少5点,但是寒冷伤害不会受到影响。






  一个被偏斜而失手的攻击不但不造成伤害,而且其附加的其他效果 (属性吸取、负向等级、有害效果等等) 也不会生效;如果一个接触法术可以“维持能量 (Holding the Charge)”,它也会在被偏斜的情况下仍然保持能量。例:食尸鬼的爪抓攻击如果被偏斜,它的麻痹特殊攻击也直接无效;如果一个‘电爪’法术的接触攻击被偏斜,施法的攻击者可以仍然维持法术能量。


Dim Light: When an ability requires a character to be near shadows or an area of dim light (like the shadowdancer's shadow jump or hide in plain sight), how does that interact with low-light vision, darkvision, and the like?
While it's true that most creatures in the game have low-light vision or darkvision, when the rules talk about being in or near an objective light level (for example “in an area of dim light”), they always refer to the state of light and darkness from the perspective of normal vision, like a human. The exceptions, effects that depend on an observing creature's perspective, such as the heavens shaman's enveloping darkness ability, call this out with text indicating that the ability alters or depends on that creature's perspective, rather than the overall light level.

Drawing and Sheathing a Weapon-like Object: I know I can draw or sheathe a weapon-like object as a move action using the "Draw or sheathe a weapon" action, but if I have a base attack bonus of +1 or higher, can I draw a weapon-like object with a regular move?
Yes. As shown on the chart on page 183, when you have a BAB of +1 or higher, you are combining the regular draw or sheathe a weapon action (to draw a weapon) with a move action. Thus all rules for draw or sheathe a weapon apply, including the ability to draw a weapon-like object.

Free Actions: Can you take free actions during an attack of opportunity? For instance, can you use the Grab, Trip, Pull, or Push universal monster rules after hitting with an attack of opportunity, since they require free actions and free actions can't be used off-turn? What about Rock Catching? That seems like it could only work off-turn.
While you can't take most free actions off your turn, Grab, Trip, Pull, Push, and Rock Catching's free actions can all be used off-turn. This will be reflected in future errata.







  比如,如果你在一次整轮攻击中尝试发动一次摔绊攻击,但是你又没有精通摔绊而因此被目标AO,而你的对手的武器里恰好储法了一个‘人类定身术’,而且你又恰好意志败了,那么你就会立刻被麻痹,失去其他的动作 (包括正在进行的整轮攻击)。

  另一个例子:如果你的对手拥有“恍惚重击”专长或是储法武器里储存了一个可以造成恍惚的法术,你被攻击影响就会立刻陷入恍惚,并且恍惚对你造成的动作限制立刻生效。这表示,如果你受到这个造成恍惚效果的攻击是来自一次移动导致的借机攻击,那么你可以完成这次移动,但是因为恍惚,本轮将不能进行标准动作;如果你在进行整轮攻击的期间被造成恍惚状态 (参照上面的例子),那么你的整轮攻击会被打断,并且你失去本轮的移动动作 (因为你已经进行过需要标准动作的攻击,且引发了借机攻击),恍惚会导致你的整轮攻击无法完成。



  骑乘冲锋是骑手和坐骑同时发动的冲锋。在骑乘冲锋时,你在使用长枪,或是拥有“奋力冲锋”专长 (或类似效果) 然后使用其他武器攻击时可以造成双倍伤害;使用长枪攻击,且拥有“奋力冲锋”专长则是造成三倍伤害。

This change will be reflected in future printings of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook



  假设你是6级战士 (BAB +6/+1) 一手拿长剑一手拿轻型硬头锤,你不使用双持武器战斗的整轮攻击方法可以是:
  1. 长剑 +6,轻锤 +1
  2. 轻锤 +6,轻锤 +1
  3. 长剑 +6,长剑 +1
  4. 轻锤 +6,长剑 +1


  如果你有“即时备战”专长,你甚至可以只拿一把武器发动整轮攻击,然后自由动作拔出另一把武器发动接下来的攻击 (因为高BAB而获得的攻击次数)。只要你的整轮攻击次数不超过你的BAB提供的次数,你就不视为在使用双持武器战斗,也就不会受到双武减值。

  双武减值只出现于一种情况:你使用副手的武器进行额外的一次攻击。如果你不进行这次攻击,就不会受到双武减值 (如上面4个例子)。

  如果你使用双持武器战斗规则来获得整轮攻击中的额外的一次攻击,那么便会是下面的两种组合方式 (未计入双持武器战斗减值):
  A. 主手长剑 +6,主手长剑 +6,副手轻锤 +6
  B. 主手轻锤 +6,副手轻锤 +1,副手长剑 +6

  换句话说,一旦你决定这一轮利用双持武器战斗来发动额外一次攻击 (必须在任何攻击发动前决定),你在主手持用的武器发动第一次攻击和接下来的攻击,然后我在副手持用的武器因为双持武器而额外攻击一次,最后记得算上双武器战斗减值。

Natural 20 and Natural 1: On attack rolls and saving throws, a natural 20 is an automatic success and a natural 1 is an automatic failure. But should I treat them differently than other results when deciding if a roll succeeded or failed by 5 or more, when comparing two opposed attack rolls to see which is a higher result, or other similar situations?

No, unless a specific rule tells you otherwise, treat a natural 20 or natural 1 result on an attack roll or saving throw the same as any other result when comparing the total result to other numbers. For example, if a fighter rolls a natural 1 for a total of 31 against the wizard's AC of 33, the attack misses by 5 or less and destroys one of the wizard's mirror images.


  是。如果你通过种族特性 (参照怪物手册)、你的职业能力 (如德鲁伊职业能力描述) 或是其他途径 (如炼金术士的【野性突变】药剂发现) 而获得来天生武器,你自动擅长它们。

Nauseated and Actions: Does the nauseated condition really mean what it says when it says “The only action such a character can take is a single move action per turn” or does it just mean I can't take a standard action?
The nauseated condition really means what it says. You are limited to one move action per round, and not any other actions. Compare to the staggered condition, which says “A staggered creature may take a single move action or standard action each round (but not both, nor can he take full-round actions). A staggered creature can still take free, swift, and immediate actions.”

压制:一个生物如果想通过擒抱战技压制对手,它通常需要进行两次战技攻击检定 (成功发动擒抱一次,追加压制尝试一次)。那么如果你被压制,你也需要两次战技检定才能挣脱压制 (一次反抗擒抱一次挣脱压制)?

  否。被压制只是被擒抱的一种升格形态,所以被擒抱状态和被压制状态不会同时存在 (如被压制状态的描述)。你不会因为被擒抱者压制而受到擒抱和压制两者同时造成的减值 (压制覆盖了擒抱,而不是并存)。所以,你在被压制时只需要进行一个对抗战技检定就可以同时挣脱擒抱和压制。



  但是,一次发射多发射线的远程接触攻击法术 (如较高施法者等级的‘灼热射线’) 只会触发一次因为远程攻击而导致的借机攻击 (施法仍然导致另一次)。



Reach increases and size increases: The description of Large or larger creatures with reach weapons says that they can strike up to double their natural reach but can't strike at their natural reach or less. Do I calculate this doubling before or after effects that alter my reach like Lunge or longarm?
Double the base reach for a creature of your size first, then add in all the other abilities afterwards. So for instance, an ogre with the longarm spell wielding a longspear and using the Lunge feat would be able to attack creatures that were 15, 20, 25, or 30 feet away but not creatures that were 0, 5, or 10 feet away.



Reflex Saves: If I'm paralyzed, held, dying, or otherwise completely immobilized or insensate, can I still attempt a Reflex save?
Yes, you can still attempt a Reflex save, but since your Dexterity is set to 0, you'll have to replace your Dexterity bonus with a –5 penalty, so you're not likely to succeed. If you do succeed, it might be due to the power of your cloak of resistance, a good angle for cover, or even luck. Either way, follow the rules of the spell for a successful Reflex save, even if this would change your space, like create pit. However, you lose evasion in these circumstances. If you are under the influence of a rare effect that causes you to be immobilized or insensate and allows ongoing Reflex saves to escape the effect, as an exception to the rule, you can use your full Dexterity bonus (instead of a –5 penalty) for the purpose of attempting those ongoing saves only, since your full Dexterity is at work within the confines of the spell, trying to break free.



  伤害骰增长表:1, 1d2, 1d3, 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 1d10, 2d6, 2d8, 3d6, 3d8, 4d6, 4d8, 6d6, 6d8, 8d6, 8d8, 12d6, 12d8, 16d6

  如果体型增大一级,按照下表将原伤害骰提升两个级别。如果原本的武器体型为小型或更小 (或说被视为小型或更小),又或是它原本的伤害为1d6或更少的话,那么它的伤害骰只提升一个等级。

  如果体型缩小一级,按照下表将原伤害骰降低两个级别。如果原本的武器体型为中型或更小 (或说被视为中型或更小),又或是它原本的伤害为1d8或更少的话,那么它的伤害骰只降低一个等级。

  如果一件武器的伤害骰数量在本表上不存在,你可以按照以下调整来获得一个对比伤害骰:如果伤害骰的基本骰为d6,那么骰数下降到同骰面少一等,骰面上升到d8 (例:10d6 = 8d8);如果伤害骰到基本骰为d6,那么骰数上升到同骰面多一等,骰面下降到d6 (例:5d8 = 6d6),这样你就可以按照新得出的骰数来依据表格调整武器伤害骰变化了。

  如果一件武器的基本伤害骰类型在本表上不存在,可以按照以下调整来获得一个对比伤害骰:2d4 = 1d8,3d4 = 2d6,此后的d4骰以此类推;1d12 = 2d6,此后的d12骰以此类推。


Size increases and effective size increases: How does damage work if I have various effects that change my actual size, my effective size, and my damage dice?
As per the rules on size changes, size changes do not stack, so if you have multiple size changing effects (for instance an effect that increases your size by one step and another that increases your size by two steps), only the largest applies. The same is true of effective size increases (which includes “deal damage as if they were one size category larger than they actually are,” “your damage die type increases by one step,” and similar language). They don't stack with each other, just take the biggest one. However, you can have one of each and they do work together (for example, enlarge person increasing your actual size to Large and a bashing shield increasing your shield's effective size by two steps, for a total of 2d6 damage).





  否。使用投炸武器仅仅是一个攻击动作,并且绝大多数投炸武器并不需要准备——扔出去,在撞击目标时就会爆破 (你所有的动作只需要将它们从你的身上取出,投掷攻击,仅此而已)。



  如上述描述,这个整轮动作是为油壶装置引线的动作,而非使用它作为投炸武器的动作 (“准备”油壶并不包括投出它)。



Tiny and smaller creatures: In the section on Tiny and smaller creatures, it says that entering a creature's space provokes an attack of opportunity, but typically 5-foot steps don't provoke an attack of opportunity. If a Tiny or smaller creature took a 5-foot step into a creature's space, would it provoke an attack of opportunity?
Yes. Even with a 5-foot step, a Tiny or smaller creature entering a creature's space provokes an attack of opportunity (unless it is using a more specific ability to avoid the attack of opportunity such as the Monkey Shine feat). This doesn't mean that a Tiny or smaller creature entering a creature's space and moving out of a threatened square with a move action provokes two attacks of opportunity from that creature, for the same reason that moving out of multiple of a creature's threatened squares in the same move action doesn't provoke two attacks of opportunity.


  不行。因为起身而导致的借机攻击发动时目标并没有完全站起,所以在借机攻击时,目标仍然视为俯卧 (你仍然可以获得攻击俯卧目标的优势)。但是,因为摔绊并不会阻碍目标的动作,它仍然能正常站起来。


  自由动作。这意味着一个法师可以在战斗时双手使用他的木棍,以一个自由动作松开一只手施法,然后再以一个自由动作重新双手拿好自己的武器,这样他在本轮的其他时候就可以发动借机攻击了 (因为木棍需要双手才能使用)。

  当然。因为这是一个自由动作,GM可以限制它的次数 (比如一轮只能放手/抓住武器一次)。



  一般来说,只在你的回合生效的攻击检定减值不影响你的借机攻击,除非特别说明 (比如“猛力攻击”和“寓守于攻”专长)。



Weapon Attacks and Special Abilities: Many places in the rules use the term “ranged weapon attacks” and similar terms, but how does this apply to spells, spell-like abilities, supernatural abilities, and extraordinary abilities (heretoafter called special abilities) that require ranged attacks but might not necessarily seem like weapons?

In general, special abilities that require attack rolls benefit and suffer from all modifiers affecting attack rolls even if those modifiers mention weapon attack rolls (such as the penalty for firing into melee, the bonus on attack rolls from Point-Blank Shot and inspire courage, and the like), unless the spell specifically calls out that it doesn't apply them (for instance spiritual weapon calls out that it isn't affected by feats and combat actions, but it would still have to deal with cover, and firing into melee if ranged).

When it comes to modifiers that affect weapon damage rolls, or simply “damage rolls” (such as the bonus on damage rolls from Point-Blank Shot, inspire courage, and smite evil), special abilities that deal damage on a successful attack roll, apply them on hit point damage only, and only once per casting or use, rather than once per attack. For instance, if a spell or special ability launched a dozen different ranged attacks simultaneously, only one (of the user's choice) would receive bonus damage. This doesn't apply on area effects with the rare potential for extraneous attack rolls, like fireball. However, there is a category of abilities that deserve a special note: Abilities like Arcane Strike that specifically enhance a character's weapon or weapons themselves never apply to special abilities (with the exception of special abilities like the warlock's mystic bolts that specifically call out that Arcane Strike applies).

In the same vein as abilities like Arcane Strike that affect a character's weapons, abilities that say “with a weapon,” “with a melee weapon,” and “with a ranged weapon” almost never work with special abilities because such wording is almost always used as shorthand for “manufactured weapon,” “manufactured melee weapon,” and “manufactured ranged weapon.” The exception is abilities that deal damage when a creature touches or hits you in melee (for instance, the occultis's energy ward focus power), which should also deal damage when a creature makes a melee touch attack against you but rarely call them out directly.

Certain special abilities (for instance rays, kinetic blasts, and mystic bolts) can specifically be selected with feats like Weapon Focus and Improved Critical. They still aren't considered a type of weapon for other rules; they are not part of any weapon group and don't qualify for the effects of fighter weapon training, warpriest sacred weapon, magus arcane pool, paladin divine bond, or any other such ability.

Abilities that modify the action usage of ranged weapon attacks or require their own special action almost never work with special abilities, since special abilities require their own actions. For instance, Pinpoint Targeting wouldn't work with scorching ray or the soundstriker's weird words because each of them requires its own action to activate and thus can't be part of the feat's specific standard action. Rare exceptions include mystic bolts and kinetic blade, which can specifically be used as part of other actions.