Claws and Talons: If I gain claw attacks, can I put
those claw attacks on my feet?
you are a bipedal creature (roughly humanoid-shaped, with two arms and two
legs), your claws must go on your hands; you can not assign them to any other
limb or body part.
you are a quadruped (or have more than four legs), you can have claws on your
feet. If you have claws on all of your feet, normally you can't use all of those
claw attacks on your turn unless you have a special ability such as pounce or
are much like claws, but go on a creature's feet, usually a bipedal creature
(especially a flying bipedal creature such as a giant eagle or harpy). An
ability that grants you claw attacks cannot be used as if they were talon
attacks (in other words, you can't "re-skin" the ability's game mechanics so you
can use it on a different limb).
Constrict: When a creature with the constrict
universal monster rule (Bestiary, page 298) grapples a foe, when does it deal
constrict damage?
creature with constrict deals this additional damage every time it makes a
successful grapple check against a foe. This includes the first check to
establish the grapple (such as when using the grab universal monster
How does DR interact with magical effects that deal
bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage?
the Bestiary definition of Damage Reduction (page 299) says "The creature takes
normal damage from energy attacks (even nonmagical ones), spells, spell-like
abilities, and supernatural abilities," that's actually just referring to damage
that isn't specifically called out as being of a particular type, such as fire
damage or piercing damage. In other words, DR doesn't protect against "typeless
damage" from magical attacks.
if a magical attack specifically mentions that it deals bludgeoning, piercing,
or slashing damage, DR affects that damage normally, as if it were from a
physical weapon. (Otherwise the magical attack might as well not have a damage
type, as it would only interface with B/P/S damage in a very few corner cases,
such as whether or not an ooze splits from that attack.)
example, the ice storm spell deals 3d6 points of bludgeoning damage and 2d6
points of cold damage. If you cast ice storm at a group of zombies, the zombie's
DR 5/slashing protects them against 5 points of the spell's bludgeoning damage.
Their DR doesn't help them against the spell's cold damage because DR doesn't
apply to energy attacks.
Negative Energy Affinity: How is this ability
(Bestiary 2, page 299) supposed to work?
intent of this ability is that the creature is healed by negative energy (like
an undead) and harmed by positive energy (like an undead); this is automatic and
has nothing to do with the intent of the target or the energy-wielder. However,
as written, the ability is a bit confusing because of the phrase “reacts to,”
which doesn't have a clear definition. This ability will be changed in the next
printing of Bestiary 2.
Page 299—In the description of the Negative Energy Affinity ability, replace the
current entry with the following:
Energy Affinity (Ex) The creature is alive, but is treated as undead for all
effects that affect undead differently than living creatures, such as cure
spells and channeled energy. Format: negative energy affinity; Location:
Defensive Abilities.
Grab: The grab rules for the Bestiary say the ability
only works on creatures smaller than the monster, but the grab rules for
Bestiary 2 say the ability works on creatures of up to the monster's own size.
Which is correct?
2 is the new, updated version: grab works on creatures up to the size of the
monster with the grab ability. The next time we do a reprint of the original
Bestiary, we'll update all references to grab and similar abilities to reflect
this change.
Incorporeal Creatures and "Counts as Magic": Say I
have an attack that counts as magical for the purpose of bypassing damage
reduction, such as from the monk's ki pool (magic). Does that mean I can't harm
an incorporeal creature at all, since the attack doesn't count as magical for
that purpose?
attacks should also be able to harm incorporeal creatures as if the attack was
magic. This will be reflected in future errata.
Pounce: If have this ability (page 302), can I make
iterative attacks with weapons as part of my full
melee attack sequence you can perform as a full attack is allowed as part of the
charge-pounce-full attack. For example, a barbarian with the greater beast totem
rage power gains the pounce universal monster ability and could make iterative
attacks with manufactured melee weapons as part of her charge-pounce-full
Pounce and Haste: If a creature with pounce is under a
haste effect, and it charges, does it get the extra attack from
9/9/13: This is a revised ruling about how haste interacts with effects that are
essentially a full attack, even though the creature isn't specifically using the
full attack action (as required by haste). The earlier ruling implied that
pounce did not allow the extra attack from haste because pounce wasn't using the
full attack action.
Pounce and Slow: If a creature with pounce is under a
slow effect, and it charges, does it still get its full attack from
to the rules as written, pounce would allow the creature its full attack,
despite the slow effect.
happens because there is no "partial charge" action in the Pathfinder
Spells: Can a monster with spellcasting ability use
spell trigger and spell completion items?
a spellcasting creature counts as a member of that class for any effect or
ability relating to casting spells as that class. For example, it can use spell
completion and spell trigger items usable by that class or use magic items that
affect that class's spellcasting (such as incense of meditation or a pearl of
Trample: The Trample Universal Monster Rule indicates
that the monster is moving around as part of the trample, but it never says how
far it can move. How far can a trampling creature
trampling creature can move up to twice its land speed as part of the
Archon: Is an archon's greater teleport ability
spell-like or supernatural? Individual archons list it as spell-like, but the
archon subtype entry lists it as supernatural.
ability is spell-like.
Swallow Whole: Once you've dealt enough damage to a
monster's insides, what kind of action is it to
swallowed character must use a standard action, move action, or 5-foot-step to
escape. This applies whether the acting character is the one who cut his way
free or another swallowed character making use the exit carved by another
Tiny creatures, Climb, and Swim: Should all Tiny
creatures use Dex instead of Str for Climb and Swim skill checks, or is that
just for familiars?
creature of Tiny or smaller size should use its Dex modifier instead of its Str
modifier for Climb and Swim checks. This will be added to Bestiary 4 as a new
Universal Monster Rule.
Vampire: Does a ranger with favored enemy: humanoid
(human) get his favored enemy bonus against a
According to the vampire template, a human-turned-vampire doesn't keep the
(human) subtype, so the ranger's bonus doesn't apply—the vampire isn't quite
human enough anymore. In general, favored enemy: humanoid isn't effective
against a creature that is a type other than humanoid (such as a vampire, which
is type: undead).
Vampire: Does casting disintegrate on a vampire
permanently kill it?
This is a matter of "which special exception has priority?" As the vampire
monster entry states how a vampire can be permanently killed (and disintegrate
is not one of those ways), and disintegrate doesn't state "this can permanently
kill a creature that can only be killed under special circumstances," the rules
in the vampire monster entry have priority. Reducing a vampire's hp to 0 with
disintegrate just forces a vampire into mist form, at which point it retreats to
its coffin.
创造与进化 (Creation and
Change Shape: Does a creature with this ability use
the duration of the change shape spell, and have to keep renewing as it
originally written, with how the Pathfinder rules for change shape work, a
creature with the ability must keep renewing it every few minutes, as it is
based on a spell with a duration. This negatively affects creatures such as
doppelgangers, which live for extended periods in an alternate form, and having
to reactivate this ability would ruin the ruse, especially as it couldn't do so
while it slept.
way this ability works is being updated as of Bestiary 2. For now, unless a
creature's description says otherwise, treat any creature with change shape as
if it had the ability to remain in its alternate form indefinitely, without
needing to reactivate the ability. (SKR 9/23/10)