进化职业手册(Advanced Class Guide)

Anger management: If I am in a rage, or an Unchained rage, or a bloodrage, or some similar form of rage, can I stack up as many benefits as possible?
No. When you either activate or are affected by a new form of rage (such as a barbarian's rage, a skald's raging song, a bloodrager's bloodrage, and the rage spell), you can choose whether to keep your current rage or to accept the new rage instead, much like a creature affected by multiple polymorph effects. If you are in the throes of a rage that you could not automatically end on your own, such as a wild rager's wild rage, you may not choose to replace it with a new rage effect. The exception to this rule is the skald's master skald ability, which explicitly allows the skald's raging song to stack with other rage effects.

Bloodrager Bloodlines: Can a bloodrager use abilities that require sorcerer levels and relate to sorcerer bloodlines like robe of arcane heritage?
No. Some hybrid classes, like the brawler, have a class feature allowing them to use items related to their parent class, but the bloodrager doesn't.








引述: 四月的血脉狂怒者翻译

奖励专长(Bonus Feats):盲斗(Blind-Fight)、顺势斩(Cleave)、强韧加强(Great Fortitude)、精通先攻(Improved Initiative)、猛力攻击(Power Attack)、技能专攻:飞行(Skill Focus:Fly)、健壮(Toughness)

奖励法术(Bonus Spells):7级-护盾术(shield),10级-抵抗能量伤害(resist energy),13级-飞行术(fly),16级-恐惧术(fear)

狂血之力(Bloodline Powers):体内奔涌着的龙之力量在许多方面展露头角。1级起,你必须从彩色龙或者金属龙中选取一种类型。一旦选择之后就无法修改。许多狂血之力产生的伤害或赋予的抗力都与这个类型相关,如下表所示。
类型 能量类型      喷吐形状
黑龙 强酸 60尺线形
蓝龙 闪电 60尺线形
绿龙 强酸 30尺锥形
红龙 火焰 30尺锥形
白龙 寒冷 30尺锥形
黄铜龙      火焰 60尺线形
青铜龙 闪电 60尺线形
赤铜龙 强酸 60尺线形
金龙 火焰 30尺锥形
银龙 寒冷 30尺锥形

龙类抗力(Draconic Resistance,Ex):4级起,在对抗你所选择的能量类型时,你获得5点能量抗力,并且防御等级获得1点天生防御加值。8级起,你的能量抗力增加至10点,天生防御加值增加至+2点。16级起,天生防御加值提升至+4点。

喷吐武器(Breath Weapon,Su):8级起,你获得喷吐武器,每日可以使用1次。这个喷吐武器造成的伤害类型与你选择的相同,伤害为每血脉狂怒者等级1d6点。处于喷吐区域内的生物可以尝试反射豁免来使伤害减半。该能力的豁免DC为10 + 1/2你的血脉狂怒者等级 + 你的体质调整值。喷吐武器的形状基于你的龙裔类型(如上表所述)。16级起,每日能够使用该能力2次。20级时,每日能够使用3次该能力。

龙翼(Dragon Wings,Su):12级起,当你进入血怒时,你能够选择在背上长出一对坚韧的翅膀,这会赋予你60尺飞行速度(机动性一般)。16级起,你的飞行速度增加至80尺(机动性良好)。

龙形(Dragon Form,Su):16级起,当你进入血怒时,你能够选择化身为你所选择的龙类形态,如同巨龙形态II(form of the dragon II),不过你的飞行机动性为一般或良好,就如同龙翼狂血之力中描述的一般。

飞龙之力(Power of Wyrms,Su):20级起,你免疫麻痹(paralysis)、昏睡(sleep)以及与你所选择的能量类型相同的伤害。你还会获得60尺盲感。即便没有处于血怒之时,你也会一直获得这些优势。




兽群围猎(Pack Flanking)专长:这是一个战斗专长吗?


Skald: The skald class says “If the skald has rage powers from another source, he (but not his allies) can use those rage powers during an inspired rage,” what exactly does it mean by “another source”?
Another source means any source other than the rage powers gained at 3rd level and every 3 levels thereafter. A few examples of other sources are rage powers gained from multiclassing in barbarian, rage powers gained from Extra Rage Power, and rage powers gained from a magic item.







Unsworn Shaman: The unsworn shaman's minor spirit ability tells you exactly when you gain hexes, but it doesn't technically say you don't gain the other hexes from the class progression. Pre-errata, it replaced the hex class feature entirely, which unambiguously removed them. How many hexes does the unsworn shaman receive?

Unsworn shaman still only receives the hexes from minor spirit and does not gain hexes at any other levels. The change from ‘replaces' to ‘alters' fixes a problem where the unsworn shaman used to have hexes while simultaneously removing the hex class feature, but the way the minor spirit ability alters the hex class feature is that it changes when you gain hexes to the listed levels.