极限宝具(Ultimate Equipment) (翻译 By 傻豆)

Courageous Weapon Property: Is the courageous weapon property meant to help only on saves against fear? The text seems to give unfettered increases to all morale bonuses, which is way out of line for a +1 equivalent weapon ability.
A courageous weapon was meant to help only on saves against fear (either adding its enhancement bonus as a morale bonus on saves against fear, or adding half its enhancement bonus to your existing morale bonus on saves against fear, whichever is best for you). However, the wording is in error. The last sentence should say “on saves against fear” after “any morale bonus.” This change will be reflected in the next errata.

Klars: A traditional klar “counts as a light wooden shield with shield spikes”, and a metal klar “counts as a light steel shield with shield spikes”. What exactly does this mean? Particularly, a klar is a one-handed weapon that deals damage like a heavy spiked shield, and it deals slashing damage instead of piercing damage, so where do the differences end?
A klar counts as a light shield for the purpose of using it as a shield (for instance, it grants a +1 shield bonus to AC, has a –1 armor check penalty, and has a 5% arcane spell failure chance). For the purpose of using it as a weapon, it is a one-handed weapon that deals 1d6 slashing damage, but it is otherwise similar to using a spiked shield (for instance, the damage doesn't stack with the bashing ability, you lose the shield bonus to AC when attacking with the klar unless you have Improved Shield Bash, and so on). As a side note, anywhere that lists klars as counting as shields with “armor spikes” is a typo that will be handled in the next errata.

延续戒指 (Ring of Continuation):使用这个戒指能不能施放一个持续时间24小时的法术时间停止 (Time Stop)?


百衣套袖(SLEEVES OF MANY GARMENTS):百衣套袖的效果到底是幻术还是变化?


Table 7-13: What happens if I roll 66-84?
Use the following weapons on a roll of 66-84:
66 sai 
67 sap 
68 scimitar 
69 scythe 
70-73 shortbow 
74-75 shortspear 
76-80 shortsword 
81 shuriken 
82 sickle 
83–84 sling

Throwing Shield: The throwing shield says that it has special straps “that allow you to unclasp and throw it as a free action.” It seems likely that “unclasp and throw” means “unclasp in order to throw” but it could also mean “unclasp and additionally throw” which could give a character any number of extra attacks. Which interpretation is correct?

Throwing shield's wording means you can unclasp as a free action in order to throw it; throwing it would requires its own action. The wording will be updated to disambiguate in the next errata.

武器挂索 (Weapon Cord):收回用挂索挂在手腕上的武器是一个什么动作?

  在原书 (注:这里指APG) 中我们写的是一个迅捷动作,不过设计小组最近在考虑把它改成一个移动动作,我们会在新印刷的版本里修改这一条。(注:P子太懒,改了个毛)

武器特殊能力——冲击 (Impact):冲击武器的效果是否与法术重压之刃 (Lead Blade) 叠加?


极限战役(Ultimate Campaign)



  举例而言,如果你是一个1级时选择了“精通先攻”的3级盗贼,你可以通过重训将其替换为“武器专攻”。即使武器专攻有着“BAB +1”的先决条件 (意味着你无法在1级盗贼时满足该专长),对于你现在的等级而言 (3级) 它是可获取的,因此是符合规则的重训用法。




  重训规则注明,“如果重训1级职业等级意味着你不再满足你所拥有的其他专长、进阶职业或者其他能力的先决条件,那么你无法再使用这些专长、进阶职业或者能力,直至你再次符合资格为止”。因此,如果你把基础职业重训换掉、并导致你不再满足进阶职业的先决条件,那么你将不再拥有该进阶职业的职业特性,故无法用它来满足任何东西的先决条件 (包括该进阶职业本身)。

  更新 (10/16/13):任何情况下,你都无法以重训规则来用一项进阶职业满足其本身的先决条件。

  更新 (10/16/13):新规则:你无法使用重训来将1个基础职业等级替换为1个进阶职业等级。