Battle Host: What exactly does it mean that the battle
host's implement is immune to the broken condition? Can it never be destroyed?
Can you use it over and over again with abilities that break your weapon for a
this particular instance, what it does is slightly different than the usual
meaning of “immune.” It means that the implement suffers no penalties, even if
it becomes broken. It can still gain the broken condition, and, it still counts
as having the broken condition for the purpose of effects that escalate if you
have the broken condition (such as effects that give the broken condition, or
destroy the target if it already has the broken condition). As usual, you can't
use an effect that breaks a weapon if it already has the broken condition. An
explanation will be included in the next errata.
Fri, Aug 14, 2015
Emotion Components: Does the shaken condition from
effects like Intimidate count as “an effect with the fear descriptor” for the
purpose of blocking spells with emotion components?
they do. It should say “fear effect,” and for most descriptors, these wordings
are sometimes used interchangeably. For instance, an ability that protects you
from effects with the charm descriptor would generally protect you from a
harpy's song (which is a charm effect).
Fri, Aug 14, 2015
Emotional Conduit and Dedication: The third level
spell is listed as cure light wounds. Should it be cure serious wounds?
it should be cure serious wounds. This will be reflected in the next
Fri, Aug 14, 2015
Emotive Block: Should emotive block have the emotion
descriptor? The spell says it does, but then it's a non-harmless emotion effect,
so it blocks all spellcasting.
should not have the emotion descriptor. This will be reflected in the next
Fri, Aug 14, 2015
Kineticist Favored Class Bonuses and Elemental
Overflow: The elf favored class bonus mentions it applies when elemental
overflow applies, but the dwarf and half-orc do not. Should they also apply only
when elemental overflow applies?
they should both apply only when elemental overflow applies, like the elf
favored class bonus. This will be reflected in the next errata.
Fri, Aug 14, 2015
Gather Power: I know that gather power can only be used on blast wild talents,
but which of the things that add to blast wild talents can I reduce with gather
power? Infusions are clear in their description, but the others are not.
can reduce infusions, metakinesis, and even the 1 extra burn for using a blast
you don't possess with omnikinesis. All of these add to the blast's cost. You
still can't reduce utility talents, including the extra burn cost for swapping
out a utility talent with omnikinesis, unless you use internal buffer
Wild Talents)造成的过载,以及通过万力全能改变一个通用原力类型而造成的额外超载,除非你使用储念器(Internal Buffer)能力。
Telekinetic Invisibility: A lot of things in the talent's description seem to
imply that I can only use this talent on myself, but then again, it also says
it's like invisibility, which isn't personal only. Which is correct?
can only use it on yourself.
Fri, Aug 14, 2015
Kineticist Torrent Infusion: This infusion seems to be
missing lightning blast as an associated blast. Is that intentional?
blast should be included. This will be reflected in the next errata.
Fri, Aug 14, 2015
Favored Locations: The medium class says that spirits can be channeled from any
appropriate location, not just from the list of favored locations, but is that
true, or can I only channel from one of the favored locations?
the class says, you can channel from any appropriate location, and the favored
locations are just a place to start. There might be times where you don't have
access to all six legends, but a medium, either PC or NPC, should generally be
able to access a legend if they can come up with a good conceptual tie between
the legend and a location he can find or even set up himself. For instance, a
medium could go hunt a deer and then use that location to channel a champion
spirit of a legendary hunter.
Fri, Aug 14, 2015
Mental Block: Does the word “activated” in the spell's
description scope only over feats, or does it also apply to extraordinary,
supernatural, and spell-like abilities too?
should apply to all of them. It only stops them from using active abilities, and
it doesn't stop passive abilities at all. This will be reflected in the next
Fri, Aug 14, 2015
and Armor: In two different places in the spiritualist class, the rules are in
conflict. In one place it says phantoms can wear armor, and in the other it says
they can't. Which is correct?
can't wear armor; that sentence was meant to say they can wear other magic
items. This will be reflected in the next errata.
Fri, Aug 14, 2015
Psychic Bloodline Sorcerer: Psychic bloodline's
bloodline arcana changes the psychic bloodline's spells from arcane spells to
psychic spells. Clearly this means that a psychic bloodline sorcerer qualifies
for abilities that require the “ability to cast psychic spells” and not
abilities that require “the ability to cast arcane spells”, but what about
abilities that require an “arcane spellcasting class” like the half-elf's arcane
training, where you might be selecting the class before you even took levels in
sorcerer and chose the psychic bloodline? Does this apply generally to abilities
that change my spellcasting between arcane, divine, and
particular combination leads to a complex interaction; at the time of the half
elf ability, the term “arcane spellcasting class” was unambiguous because
archetypes were new and we were still years away from any archetypes or
bloodlines that changed which type of spells a character casts. Essentially, a
half-elf with the arcane training ability that chooses sorcerer is choosing “the
arcane spellcasting class sorcerer”. If she then takes levels in psychic
bloodline sorcerer, she isn't taking levels in her favored class. The ability
would still have a small effect, though, in that since she had no levels in her
favored class, she would still count as a 1st-level “arcane spellcasting
sorcerer” and be able to activate arcane scrolls accordingly (whereas normally
she would need Use Magic Device to use arcane or divine scrolls even if they
were on her spell list).
is the first time to our knowledge of this principle being necessary, but it
would apply in other situations that switch your type of magic and even beyond
that, such as if an alternate racial trait restricted your favored class bonus
to “a single class that grants proficiency in heavy armor” and you picked
fighter but then took levels in fighter with an archetype that traded out
proficiency in heavy armor, your chosen archetype of fighter would not be your
favored class.
you could use this principle in reverse. If the half-elf ability requested you
to choose a psychic spellcasting class instead of arcane, you could pick
sorcerer expecting to take the psychic bloodline, but the racial trait in that
case wouldn't do anything until you had actually taken levels in sorcerer with
the psychic bloodline, since sorcerer isn't normally psychic without the psychic
Jul 22, 2016
Psychics and overwhelming presence: Rapport psychics
receive overwhelming presence as a 9th level discipline spell, but it appears as
a 4th level spell on the psychic spell list. Should it be a 9th level spell for
it should be a 9th level spell. This will be reflected in the next
Fri, Aug 14, 2015
Fighter: The Sensate Fighter doesn't mention trading out Weapon Training 1, but
it gains an extremely similar ability at 5th level, the same level as Weapon
Training 1. Should it also trade out Weapon Training 1?
This will be reflected in the next errata.
Fri, Aug 14, 2015
and bestow curse: The spiritualist receives bestow curse as both 3rd and 4th
level spells. Which is correct?
should be a 3rd level spell. This will be reflected in the next