Blood Alchemist: When does a blood alchemist's blood
pool refresh? How big are the alchemical circles? Is the trade-off for blood
knowledge missing?
blood alchemist's blood pool refreshes whenever he refreshes his extract slots.
Circles last until their form is physically broken or the blood alchemist
refreshes his blood pool. The circles are 10-foot radius, just like the
occultist's magic circles. Blood knowledge doesn't have another trade-off;
alchemical circles advances at 8th, 12th, and 16th levels, but not at 4th
because that's when you get blood knowledge.
Brutal Coup de Grace: How long do the creatures who
fail their saves become shaken?
become shaken for 1 minute.
Channel-Thieving Belt: The greater belt says it works
like the regular belt but then it mentions damaged “healed or dealt” whereas the
regular belt only heals when a channel of the type that could heal you deals
damage instead. How do I adjudicate the “healed” part?
an error, it should just say “1/2 the amount of damage dealt.”
Death Curses: What are the “doom of the hunted” curses
on the table?
the old names for the hunt of the ankou and bogeyman curses.
Enemy Cult: Up until the completion effect, the feat
works against your choice of alignment, but the completion benefit specifies
evil. Which should it be?
completion benefit works against the specified alignment, not just
Eyebiter Mesmerist: What is the eyeball familiar's
Wisdom and Charisma?
are 10.
Fleshwarping: True fleshwarping lists two creation
times. Which is correct?
day per HD is correct.
Hallowed Necromancer: Why does the hallowed
necromancer say to “remove the Will save but deal half damage” when that would
be worse than nothing?
a misinterpretation of the ambiguous phrase “remove the Will save for half
damage”. You should remove the Will save and deal full damage.
Haunt Collector: Extricate haunt doesn't say when I
gain the ability. What does that mean?
can use extricate haunt as soon as you have a haunted implement, so 2nd level at
the earliest.
Living Grimoire: The archetype trades away judgment
but not slayer; is that intentional? Also, can I take feats like Weapon Focus
with my tome?
script should also trade away slayer. You can take feats like Weapon Focus with
your tome; treat it as if it was a simple weapon (not an improvised weapon) for
all necessary purposes.
Madnesses: The table lists psychopathy, which is not
one of the madnesses. What should it be?
should be moral insanity.
Massacre: In two places, massacre says it's a 60-foot
line, but in another, it says it's a 30-foot line. Which is
a 60-foot line of death.
Mooncursed Barbarian: If my chosen animal is Large, am
I out of luck until 11th level?
the ability says that you turn into a Medium version of your chosen animal. So
for a tiger, you'd turn into a size Medium tiger, and you'd have all the
abilities of a tiger from beast shape I.